Do you have an idea for a project, or run an existing project, startup, or organization that could one day have a big positive impact on the future of the world? Apply now to our brand new Clearer Thinking Regrants program!
We plan to award grants to around 20 selected altruistic projects (depending on the quality and relevance of submissions we receive). Grants will be a minimum of $10,000 per project, up to a conceivable maximum of $500,000. These projects don’t have to relate to Clearer Thinking’s mission, they just have to be aimed at improving the future! We have designed the first round of the application to be completed in a single sitting of just 20 minutes. If you know of any projects, non-profits, or startups that aim to improve the future of the world, regardless of which stage they’re in, please forward this email to those involved, or share our application on social media. We want to hear about as many great projects as we can! Applications are now open! Apply by 11:59pm Eastern Time July 22nd, 2022.
More information: You can apply for a Clearer Thinking Regrant as an individual, on behalf of a team, on behalf of a not-for-profit organization, or on behalf of a for-profit startup. In order for us to consider regranting funding to you, the only absolute requirements are that your project has to...
Be an altruistic effort aiming to substantially improve the future of the world, and
Be unlikely to have a risk of substantially harming the world.
We are unlikely to fund your project if...
It is designed to be local or small in scope, or
There is not a sufficiently plausible mechanism by which your project might one day greatly benefit the future of humanity.
If the above applies to your idea or project, we encourage you to apply now!
As inspiration, here are some project areas that we'd be excited to give grants in (but we're potentially interested in ideas that are totally unlike these as well):
Projects for preventing future pandemics or reducing the chance of bioterrorism
Projects that aim to reduce risks and dangers from or raise awareness about advancing A.I. technology
Projects that could plausibly have a large positive impact on climate change
Projects aimed at reducing the chance of civilization collapse or improving humanity's ability to recover from collapses
Other projects that could help guide humanity or move the world toward a better future!